Sunset Platform (觀夕平台), located in Anping Harbor National Historical Park (安平港國家歷史風景區), has become a popular scenic spot in recent years. The triangular platform, protected on two sides by trees, creates a lush green scene, and in front of the platform is the beautiful blue ocean view. In the afternoon, it is common to see families bring their children to play with sand and fly kites on the beach, or two to three friends roll up their trousers and paddle through the waves along the shore, but sunset is when the most people come to stand on the platform. Sunset Platform's low light source design makes it not only good for viewing the sea in the daytime, the low light pollution also allows the glittering stars to be seen at night, making this a popular location whenever a meteor shower is forecast.
Sunset Platform(觀夕平台)
Free entry, open all day long
708, , Anping Dist., 臺南市 Taiwan R.O.C
POINT (120.14713 22.99023)