Taisugar Wushulin Park(台糖烏樹林園區)

Located in Wushulin (烏樹林) in Tainan’s Houbi District (後壁區), Taisugar Wushulin Park (台糖烏樹林園區) was built in 1910, and even though it no longer produces sugar, its original sugar equipment system and the Taisugar mini-trains are still on display. Following the decline of the sugar manufacturing industry, the miniature trains transporting sugar canes were deactivated. Originally Wushulin Train Station (烏樹林車站) served as a hub between Dongshan (東山) and Baihe (白河) in the Xinying (新營) area. After the line transporting people was deactivated in 1979, the station also closed its doors. At the end of 2002, with help and impetus from people from all walks of life, the station reopened with a railway culture theme. Today, as well as being able to experience the mini-trains, the park complex also features an orchid-themed pavilion and a recreational museum. On a trip here, one can understand more about ecology, and there are a large number of vendor’s booths from which to enjoy culinary delicacies. In addition, there are also pottery kilns and ceramics worth taking a look at. This place is a perfect location for families to take a day out.


Free entry

Weekdays: Monday to Friday 9:00~16:30

Weekends: Saturday, Sunday 9:00~17:00
731, , Houbi Dist., 臺南市 Taiwan R.O.C
POINT (120.37372 23.32872)