
悄然隱於竹溪寺旁的濃密森林,雖位處南區體育公園旁,卻人煙罕至,這座森林最早於17世紀便已記載於文獻史料及古地圖,其名為「哈赫拿爾森林」(Hagenaars Bosch),意為「海牙人的森林」,亦曾是野鹿群棲的古獵場,即便周遭聚落城市隨著時代更迭變化,林中仍維持著巨樹參天的原始林相,是府城珍稀的自然資源之一。


시강구(西港區)에 위치한 진사리 핑크 샤워 트리 산책로(金砂里花旗木步道)는 타이난의 꽃놀이 명소로 핑크 샤워 트리 꽃이 만발하는 3~4월이 되면 수많은 관광객과 꽃놀이 인파가 경치를 감상하기 위해 모여듭니다. 핑크빛으로 물든 수백 미터 길이의 꽃길과 과거 자리 설탕 공장(佳里糖廠)에서 이용하던 설탕 운송 철도가 낭만적인 봄 풍경을 이루고 있는 이 산책로는 조용한 마을에 봄 분위기와 활력을 더해주는 곳이기도 합니다.
만개한 핑크 샤워 트리는 멀리서 보면 핑크빛 벚꽃처럼 보이기도 해 평지 벚꽃, 태국 벚꽃이라 불리기도 합니다. 핑크 샤워 트리는 꽃잎이 두툼해 바람에 잘 날리지 않으며, 처음에는 연분홍 꽃을 피웠다가 시들기 직전에는 하얀색으로 바뀌어 다양한 자태를 감상할 수 있습니다. 특히 핑크 샤워 트리 개화기에는 진사리에서 작은 규모의 장터, 피크닉 등의 행사가 열려 인근의 샤오룽 문화 공원(蕭壠文化園區), 쭝예 예술 문화 센터(總爺藝文中心) 등의 명소를 둘러보며 봄나들이를 즐길 수도 있습니다.


Located in Xigang District, the Jinshali Pink Shower Tree Trail is one of Tainan's most popular flower-viewing spots. Each year, between March and April, the trail becomes a stunning destination for flower lovers and travelers alike, who flock to capture the vibrant scenes. Stretching for hundreds of meters, this pink floral canopy, set against the backdrop of a historic sugarcane railway track from the Jiali Sugar Factory, creates a romantic seasonal panorama, infusing this quiet community with the refreshing energy of spring.

Hele Plaza was the former site of Tainan’s Chinatown and was once one of Tainan’s most important commercial districts. It was later demolished and converted into a water park and opened on March 7, 2020. It is the largest water plaza in downtown Tainan and was praised by Forbes Magazine as one of the "seven most anticipated parks in the world".

Xinying Railway Scenic Park takes the story of Taisugar Railway as the main centerpiece of its revitalization and development. By reinterpreting the characteristic sceneries of Sinying Railway Station, with the many rail tracks converging on the station through a series of connections, continuations and stitching of railway tracks, the spatial sequence of the park is thus formed. There are also all kinds of switches, carriers, and signal stations between the tracks, which imply the time and space flow of the industrial development and changes of the place.


Dalongtian Cultural and Ecological Park is a forest park planned and constructed by the Guantian District Office. The park occupies an area of more than 9 hectares, with about 1,300 banyan trees, mahogany trees, mango trees, etc. growing in abundance. In addition to the dense foliage, the park also preserves the remains of the original military barracks. The Park is less than 300 meters from the Longtian Station, making it suitable for walking and relaxing.



Occupying an area of 2 hectares, the Wuchengen Park is equipped with tourism facilities including the Xiawu Platform, Xianwu Pavilion, Chengen Bridge, and Guanhu Tower. With bridges, rivers, kiosks, pavilions, and gorgeous scenery, the park is the ideal recreational spot for residents of Xiaying District. Next to the entrance of the park, there stands a stone tablet “Xiaying Beiji Xuantian Shangdi Temple History”, recording the story of Xuantian Shangdi.