Nanhua Dist.

When going for a coffee and a country walk in Wushan, Nanhua District (南化烏山), the Formosan Macaque Nature Reserve (台灣獼猴區) is a must-visit location. Over a hundred macaques (rock monkeys) live in the reserve, and having a piece of land that belongs to them allows them to feel at ease here. Most of the credit goes to "grandpa macaque" Lin Bing-xiu (林炳修), who is frequently seen taking buckets of food to the mountain, and constantly watches over this national treasure with love and kindness.

Heading along Taiwan Provincial Highway 20 (台20線省道) towards Nanhua Reservoir (南化水庫) in the direction of Jiaxian (甲仙), when joining the starting point of the South Cross-island Highway (南橫公路), one is sure to catch site of the dazzling Holy Glory Temple (玉山寶光聖堂), one of the most significant sites of the Baoguang division of Yiguan Dao (一貫道寶光組). The temple is the biggest Yiguan Dao temple within Southern Taiwan, and is of a particularly large scale, having been built in accordance with the topography of the mountains around it and offering a spectacular view of the surrounding landscape.

Wushan( Wu Mountain;烏山) in Nanhua Township (南化) is the dividing line between Tainan and Kaohsiung. Wushan Hiking Trail (烏山登山步道) runs approximately 12 kilometers from north to south, with a mix of steep and gentle slopes, and walking the entire length of the trail takes about 9 to 10 hours. The most popular section among hikers is behind Jinguangshan Hode Purple Bamboo Temple (金光山厚德紫竹寺). Many people come here very early in the morning.

When going from Tainan on the Taiwan Route 20 towards Jiaxian (甲仙), the strip of blue lake that is Nanhua Reservoir (南化水庫) is hard to miss.

If you walk down Nanhua’s rural road, turn a few bends and you will come to a village surrounded by hills. There are green hills covered in bamboo forest all around, and a faint breeze on the air; this is Breezy Valley Art Village(微風山谷藝術村).