Guantian Dist.

Tainan National University of the Arts(台南藝術大學)

Tainan National University of the Arts (台南藝術大學), located next to the enchanting scenery of Wushantou Reservoir (烏山頭水庫), was completed in 1996, and became a secret scenic spot for the residents of Tainan. The campus is full of artistic sophistication, and the campus buildings combine a modern feel and classical style. Walking around the campus feels like entering an art gallery, and with works of art by students and masters displayed all around, it really is a wonderful exhibition space hidden in the countryside.

Guantian Jacana Ecological Education Park(官田水雉生態教育園區)

The Jacana Ecological Education Park (水雉生態教育園區) is the finest bird-watching location within the Guantian(官田) area, and is the fruition of ten years of collaboration between bird lovers who have enjoyed watching the ecology of Jacanas. What started with two shipping containers and a strip of uncultivated land has slowly been transformed into an environment that is suited to the Jacana. With water chestnuts and rice paddies planted in the surroundings, the birds have a rich source of food, and the low dykes of this space have become brimming with life.
