Jiangjun Dist.

Qinkunshen Qinshan Fishing Harbor(青鯤鯓青山漁港)

There are 7 fishing harbors on the coast of Greater Tainan. Anping and Jianggyun, thje two largest harbors, are now used mainly for tourism and recreation. Located between them in Qingshan Fishing Harbor, an example of small is beautiful. The harbor retains its traditional fishing village atmosphere and its tiny fish market is crowded every afternoon with seafood lovers from everywhere when the fishing boats return. For visitors, part of the fun at Qingshan Fishing Harbor is being able to bid directly on the fishing catch.

Lisheng Temple(李聖宮)

Lisheng Temple is the spiritual center of Masago in the Jianggyun District of Tainan City. The temple is dedicated to  “Lifuqiansui”, “Tianshangshengmu” and “Zhongtanyuanshuai.”  The local people believe that the power of Lisheng Temple led to the area producing many outstanding local entrepreneurs, so many worshippers living in other areas return during important  festivals to join in the celebrations. Inside Lisheng Temple is a sacred sedan chair made out of century-old red cypress wood by craftsmen from Tangshan.

Qinkunshen Fan-shaped Salt Fields(青鯤鯓扇形鹽田)

In 1977, Taiwan Salt filled in Qinkunshen sandbar and lagoon to create the last salt field every built in Taiwan. The new salt field also adopted an unconventional fan-shaped layout. The ribs of the fan were made up of inlet ditches, drainage ditches, brine ditches, and roads. The fan body was then divided into individual salt fields. The evaporator pond for collecting salt was placed close to the dormitories for the convenience of the salt workers.

Salty Zone Cultural Museum- Shiang Yu Museum (鹽分地帶文化館-香雨書院)

In the fields of the Salty Zone, an elegant white building stands amidst the greenery. In front of the building are red brick floor tiles and a low wall. On the building the words "Shiang Yu Musuem" can be seen. The Museum offers various courses and has a large number of cultural relics and artworks on display, including old photographs and old maps relating to the Salty Zone. The Museum gives tourists an understanding of the Salty Zone and its culture and adds an artistic and cultural atmosphere to the area.

Viewing Mangrove Forest at the Mouth of the Jiangjun River(將軍溪口觀賞紅樹林)

Find Dayuanshuai Temple(大元帥廟) in Jiangjun District(將軍區) and the Jiangjun River embankment can be seen. Stand on it, and you can see a large expanse of lush mangrove forest before you, stretching from the estuary of the Jiangjun River all the way inland, creating a magnificent sight. Mangrove forest is an important cradle for estuary ecology; a large number of egrets and other water birds live amongst the mangroves and various shallow water creatures such as fiddler crabs and mudskippers live under the water. The scene resembles an ecological paradise seen on National Geographic channel.

Fang Yuan Art Museum(方圓美術館)

Fang Yuan Art Museum(方圓美術館) is one of the hippest and beautiful buildings of Jiangjun District. It had two former uses; first it was Sui Garden, the residence of Jiangjun’s first township mayor, Huang Qing-wu, as well as being Sui Shen Hospital(遂生醫院) where Mayor Huang helped people and saved many lives. Built in 1944, the buildings most distinctive feature is that it a courtyard building with arches and corridors, a mix of eastern and western architectural styles that was very avant-garde at the time.

Lin Kun-gang Memorial Hall(林崑岡紀念館)

Ouwang is the largest settlement in Jiangjun District. Since the very early Japanese Colonial Time, the most famous former Ouwang resident is Lin Kun-gang, known as “the god of Zhugao Mountain(竹篙山之神林崑岡). Lin (1832-1895) was a martial art scholar who passed the imperial examination. In October, 1895, when Japanese forces approached Tainan after Taiwan had been ceded by the Qing Government following the Sino-Japanese War, he led a “righteous army” thousands strong that swore to resist the Japanese.

Jiangjun Fish Harbor(將軍漁港)

After the boats return laden with their plentiful and varied catch in the early hours the lively
seafood auction takes place. This is a scene repeated day after day at Jiangjun Fishing Harbor (將軍漁港). If tourists can’t wait to enjoy seafood purchases at home, the restaurants at the side of the harbor serve up dishes made using just-landed seafood.
At dusk, as the harbor falls silent, the reflection of the setting sun turns the calm water a golden color and fishing boats slowly sail by, the scene has an enchanting sense of freedom and romance.

Mashagou Coastal Recreation Area(馬沙溝濱海遊憩區)

The 1980s is generally seen as the high point for Mashagou (馬沙溝).The beach was always crowded in the summer, with stalls, parasols, water sports, and crowds comparable to present day Kenting (墾丁). Dusk is the most enchanting time here; the beach and the seawater appear to join into one golden yellow mass as the sand is reflected in the mirror of the sea. Business died down for a time while the rather outdated buildings were being refurbished, but now Mashagou has a new tourist center and a dazzling line-up of new and improved leisure facilities.

Ouwang Wenheng Temple(漚汪文衡殿 )

This is the largest and best-known temple on bustling Ouwang Street(漚汪街) in Jiangjun District and is the local belief center. Built in 1757, it enshrines Guan Sheng Di Jun(Lord Guan;關聖帝君). The temple has a long history and attracts many worshippers. One notable feature is Lin Kun-Gang Memorial Hall(林崑岡紀念館) which commemorates anti-Japanese righteous man Lin Kun-gan. Called “martial art scholar who passed the imperial examination”, Lin was both a fine scholar and soldier and cared about local affairs.

【New Balance】 NB 復古運動鞋