Dongshan Dist.

Dongshan Farmers’ Association Coffee Cultural Hall(東山農會咖啡文化館)

On the busiest street of Dongshan District, Zhongxing Road(中興路), as well as enjoying the duck heads that are renowned far and wide, don’t forget to spend time inside Dongshan Farmers’ Association Coffee Cultural Hall(東山農會咖啡文化館). The building was originally a rice barn and mill in the Japanese Colonial Period. After being left idle, the space was given an active new role as the Coffee Cultural Hall, also known as Dongshan Rest Stop(東山驛站). In the inner courtyard, various vendors sell tasty snacks, attracting more people than any other place on Zhongxing Street at weekends and holiday times.

Tung-ho Bee Culture Tourism Factory(東和蜂文化觀光工廠)

Tung-ho Bee Culture Tourism Factory (東和蜂文化觀光工廠), located in Dongshan District (東山區), began operations in 2015 and is the first site in Taiwan to focus solely on honey, as well as being the first to offer factory tours. The site helps to improve honey-related knowledge, allows visitors to experience for themselves the honey making process, and offers cooking classes and a shop. It is possible to understand more about the major honey brands, the manufacturing process, as well as the various uses of honey in cooking.

Dongshan 175 Coffee Road(東山175咖啡大道)

Dongshan (東山) is the home of Taiwanese coffee and Taiwan's largest coffee production area. With its high position on the global bean belt, and 500 to 800m above sea level, close to the Tsengwen, Baihe and Wushantou Reservoirs (曾文、白河和烏山頭水庫), its soil quality, temperature and humidity are all perfect for growing coffee. This is what gives Dongshan coffee its own unique flavor, and it has repeatedly won awards in global coffee competitions; one of the best coffee varieties in the world.

Dongshan Bixuan Temple(東山碧軒寺 )

Passing Dongshan Bixuan Temple, you will notice the two pure white stone elephants in the front. While temples usually have stone lions outside, this temple has white elephants, the reason being that the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva (普賢菩薩)has the image of riding a white elephant as he delivers all sentient beings. It was said that the dragon is the fiercest water creature; the elephant is the most powerful creature on land, able to carry heavy loads and fulfil the task of delivering sentient beings. This is why Bixuan Temple has elephants as the holy beasts in front of the temple.

Dongshan Rest Area(東山休息站)

Dongshan Rest Area (東山服務區) on Freeway 3 is the nation’s largest freeway rest area, with a constant stream of people driving through every day. Besides providing a variety of rest facilities for tourists, the pretty landscape also makes this place a scenic spot in its own right. The big banyan tree in the service area is a must-see attraction for many tourists, and the water park is a great place to bring the kids. A “Ripples”fish tunnel has been added in recent years.

Bombax Golf Country Club(斑芝花高爾夫俱樂部)

Bombax Golf Country Club (斑芝花高爾夫俱樂部)started at Dongshan in Tainan in 1989. The almost-perfect 27-hole course, designed by renowned international golf course architect Pete Dye(佩特‧戴伊), is highly challenging and humane. It is the only course designed by Dye in Taiwan. Opened in 1993, this is one of the only all-round golf resorts in southern Taiwan and, as well as 27 holes, has various recreational facilities and accommodation of a high standard. The holes are divided into the Green Mountain, Green Water and Golden areas, each with nine holes.

Shantou Mountain Trail(崁頭山步道)

At 844 meters above sea level, Shantou Mountain(崁頭山) is Tainan's second highest peak, and its hiking trail is a favorite among mountain climbers. There are total of three entrances to the route, and whichever route you start from you can complete the circular hike. The trail markings are very clear, and along the way you can see the renowned stone toad and the pagoda furnace. The stone toad is so named because the mountain wall resembles a toad from the outside, and the pagoda furnace is a honeycomb shaped rock shaped like a pagoda.

Kabuasua Pingpu Cultural Park(吉貝耍平埔文化園區)

Kabuasua (吉貝耍) is a beautiful little village beside the Taiwan County Road 165 (市道165號). The name means "kapok tree" in the Siraya language, signifying an abundance of kapok trees. While the village's kapok trees have slowly disappeared over the course of history, the blood that flows in their veins occasionally reminds them: "you are Siraya, Alid (God in Siraya language) and the ancestral spirits still protect you, Alid’s blessings let the tribes’ people coexist in peace with the beautiful plains".

Fairy Lake Farm(仙湖農場)

Walking along 175 Coffee Road (175公路咖啡大道,) you will see a sign for the Fairy Lake Farm(仙湖農場), and all along the path you will find Chinese honey tangerines all around. The farm's observation tower is its main landmark. The farm, which occupies 52 hectares, boasts a popular infinity pool, with its ice cold water drawn from a spring on the hill. In the summertime, you can always see parents and kids soaking in the pool, gazing at the lush green hillside.

【New Balance】 NB 復古運動鞋