
萬佛寺建於 1987 年,位於台南市楠西區曾庫公路約 1 公里處(曾文水庫收費站前),萬佛寺主體為寶塔式建築外觀宏偉、華麗、氣勢磅礡,寺院、佛殿、塔則散發出莊嚴肅穆的氣息。



為了保有公園自然生態與體驗品質,預約平台將採時段限額預約方式,且常態平衡養護(維修),並視人力狀況提供導覽服務。 詳細預約辦法及規則,請依網站說明為準,客服專線請撥打平台客服。 寺院開放時間皆可入殿禮佛,不需預約。




白水溪教會建於1950年代,在物資匱乏、人口稀少的山區,要起建一座教會非常不容易。白水溪教會的建築為類似「巴西利卡式」,平面呈長方形,但一般位於短邊的「柱廊」構造,改為裝飾性較低的「雨庇」,功能相同,都提供了遮擋太陽、避雨的暫時性空間。 雨庇與牆面皆採用了當時流行的「洗石子」工法,而雨庇兩側牆面上緣較突出、下緣內縮的設計,也在實用性之外,增添了造型的一點變化;兩側牆面裝上的空心磚,則在洋式建築風格內,安插了一些臺灣在地元素。



主祀神祇 : 無極混元玄玄上尊
宗教類型 : 道教
建築特色 :

Chen-an Temple is also known as the “General Flying Tiger Temple”. The deity enshrined in the temple is not from the gods, but a Japanese warrior from World War II, Sugiura Shigemine. Sugiura Shigemine was stationed in Taiwan in 1944, and was a warrant officer of the Japanese Navy. On the morning of October 12 of the same year, an air battle took place in which Sugiura flew his fighter plane against attacking U.S. forces. During the battle, which took place in the Haiwei area of Tainan, Sugiura's fighter plant was hit by the U.S. forces on the tail.

The Xiangguan Temple in Tainan City occupying an area of about 4,460m2is a Yiguandao temple worshipping Maitreya, Dipankara, and Siddhartha Gautama. The “Endless Treasure Museum” in the temple has a wide collection of valuable artefacts at home and abroad. The architecture of the Wuji Qingxu Temple and Sansheng Temple is elaborate and elegant. The main archway and the four 100-year-old bishop wood trees in front of the temple square make the temple more peaceful and solemn.

The Yingchuan Family Hall was built during the reign of Emperor Jiaqing, Qing dynasty, and refurnished in 1956. It is a brick structure standing at the settlement place of the Chens’ first generation. It carries a Minnan square shape with 2 rows and 3 entrances. It is a wooden structure with a column and tie construction, a roof of monk and nun tiles, a swallowtail ridge, and flora and dragon patterns and color paintings on the body.

The Rensho Temple enshrines Dadao Gong and Taiziyeh. It is said that the temple worshipping Baoai Dadi was built in the Kingdom of Tungnin about 300 years ago. To pray for peace and success of the voyage, Jiu-shan WU, a subordinate of Cheng-kung ZHENG, requested for an authentic statue of Baoshan Dadi from Tongan County, Fujian Province, for worshipping on the voyage. The statue was originally worshipped at Wu’s residence. As the deity was extremely spiritual and powerful, locals built a temple to enshrine the deity in remembrance of his miracles and protection.

After the Dutch built Fort Zeelandia in Anping in 1624, they decided to build a political and economic center Provintia (today’s Chihkan Tower) across the Taijian (called Chihkan by local plain indigenous peoples in that time) for the geopolitical reason. The Dutch also developed Chihkan Street (Rua Provintia) to start the commercial history of busy business in Tainan.

Lisheng Temple is the spiritual center of Masago in the Jianggyun District of Tainan City. The temple is dedicated to  “Lifuqiansui”, “Tianshangshengmu” and “Zhongtanyuanshuai.”  The local people believe that the power of Lisheng Temple led to the area producing many outstanding local entrepreneurs, so many worshippers living in other areas return during important  festivals to join in the celebrations. Inside Lisheng Temple is a sacred sedan chair made out of century-old red cypress wood by craftsmen from Tangshan.

Reverend Thomas Barclay from Scotland came to Taiwan by ship in 1875 and dedicated 60 years of his life to the island.  The Barclay Memorial Church built in 1926 features Grecian gables and Roman arches. The letters “TAI-LAM TANG-MNG PA-KHEK-LE KI-LIAM KAU-HOE” on the white half-dome at the front of the church is the phonetic transliteration of “Tainan East Gate Barclay Memorial Church.” The architectural style is quite rare in Taiwan.