
저어새 생태 전시관은 녹색 건축 공법으로 지어져 에너지를 절약하고 탄소 배출량을 절감하고 있습니다. 또한 자연 환경 속에 자연스럽게 녹아들어, 연약하고 놀라기 쉬운 조류들이 먹이를 찾는 도중 갑자기 등장한 건축물에 놀라 서식지를 이동하는 일이 없습니다. 매일 석양이 질 때가 되면 새 감상을 마친 여행객들이 이곳에서 아름다운 석양을 감상합니다. 이곳을 배경으로 석양 사진을 찍으면 아름다운 생태 전시관이 전경이 되어주어 어떻게 찍어도 사진이 잘 나옵니다. 또한 치구(七股)의 각 관광지들과도 가까운 위치에 있어서, 치구 저어새 보호구역에 여행왔을 때 꼭 방문하는 중요 관광지입니다.




The Black-faced Spoonbill Ecology Exhibition Hall(黑面琵鷺生態展示館)was built using green architectural techniques, not only reducing energy use and carbon emissions, also merging into the natural environment to avoid an intrusive building scaring away the skittish birds. At dusk every day, a large number of tourists gather here to watch the beautiful sunset after bird-watching nearby. With the attractive ecological exhibition hall in the foreground and stunning sunset, it’s hard not to take good photos.

  Cigu Tourist Center is a new facility spread over 3.8 ha completed by the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area Administration and opened to the public on May 5, 2020. The Center connects the Cigu Salt Mountain with the Taiwan Salt Museum  to complete the tourism belt of the Cigu Salt Industry Cultural Park.

Geese, silkworms, and bleak bean are the focus of the Shaying District Industry and Culture Museum, where the industrial culture of the district is introduced. The museum is refurnished from a 30-year-old idle warehouse. Zones in the museum include the Shaying Agriculture Development Zone, Silk Product Zone, Silkworm Zone, Daily Life Zone, Multimedia Zone, Silkworm Industry Culture Zone, Ancient Farming Tool Zone, Black Bean Industrial Culture Zone, Goose Industiral Culture Zone, Native Art and Culture Zone, and Shaying Farmers’ Association Sales Zone.

The Madou Culture Museum opened in 2001 was built under the “one town one culture museum” policy promoted by the Council of Cutlural Affairs (now Ministry of Culture). So far, it is the best exhibitoin and performing space in Madou. In addition to various artefacts relating to Madou’s culture, the museum displays artworks. Artists and history and culture workers often meet and exchange here, making the museum meeting place of scholars and artists in Madou area.

After the Dutch built Fort Zeelandia in Anping in 1624, they decided to build a political and economic center Provintia (today’s Chihkan Tower) across the Taijian (called Chihkan by local plain indigenous peoples in that time) for the geopolitical reason. The Dutch also developed Chihkan Street (Rua Provintia) to start the commercial history of busy business in Tainan.

In Taiwan’s history, “Luermen” is the gateway to Taiwan. The “landing zone of Cheng-kung ZHENG” and “authenticity of Luermen Matsu” have been troubling the people, deities, events, and objects on both sides of the Lurermen River. The Matsu Gongzi Temple on the south bank and the Tuchengzi on the north bank have developed own religious cultures individually with independent successes. This community museum is a typical example.