
Erliao (二寮) has the lowest altitude in Taiwan where the slanting light of the beautiful sunrise meets the clouds and mist of a chalk terrain (白堊地形) bamboo forest; its likeness to a traditional Chinese painting makes it a mecca of photography in Tainan.

Yaoyue Suspension Bridge (要月吊橋) is 105 meters long, and extends over the Caoshan River (草山溪). Built in 1973, as an access route for local residents, the bridge later became a tourist bridge. It was rebuilt in 2001, and remains the only suspension bridge in the Caoshan area.
The bridge crosses a canyon with chalky ground and a stream. On one side is a small village between the hills, the stillness between the white hills make time seem to stop, and has the rather desolate feeling of a lost age.

Hou-tou Pei (虎頭埤) was Taiwan’s very first reservoir, and over the one hundred years that it has been in existence it has been an object of praise and admiration from scholars and the literati. It was even one of the settings for the Jay Chou (周杰倫) movie The Rooftop (天台). The Huyue Suspension Bridge (虎月吊橋), built in 1905, added an even greater sense of charm to the site, and as it has stretched over the water surface for the past one hundred years, it has been a place to catch the first rays of morning sun or multicolored afterglow of dusk.

NCHU Xinhua Forest Station (國立中興大學新化林場), located to the east of Hutoupi (虎頭埤), is an experimental forestry station of National Chung Hsing University (中興大學). Transport to the station is convenient thanks to its proximity to the city center, making it a popular walking spot among Tainan residents. The Forest Station manages 90 hectares of very rich forest, mostly made up of mahogany. Wherever you walk, the trees will shade you from the sun, and you can breathe in the invigorating phytoncides that they release.

When thinking of buying flowers in Tainan, for many people the weekend flower market will come to mind, however, there is an even better choice, namely the Qijia Floriculture Area(七甲花卉區) in Gueiren District. Renowned for horticulture, in recent years, many horticultural businesses have gathered here and offer wide variety in terms of characteristics and types. Almost all flowers, grasses and trees, gardening supplies and related tools that are widely available can be bought either wholesale or retail here. The Floriculture Area really is a paradise for keen gardeners.

The Golden Coast (黃金海岸) is Tainan’s southernmost section of coastline. Approximately 5 km of sandy beach runs from Anping’s Yuguang Island (漁光島) to the Golden Coast, and there are always lots of tourists walking, splashing in the waves and flying kites here in the afternoon. The Golden Coast gets its name from the glistening sight of the golden sunset shining on the beach. Sunset is the busiest time, but even after nightfall lots of people still remain, attracted by the beach’s outdoor coffee shops.

The banyan trees of National Cheng Kung University (成大) have long been a symbol of Tainan. It is said that they were personally planted by Japanese Crown Prince Hirohito (Later known as Emperor Showa) when he visited Taiwan in 1923. Even now, the banyan trees are like kind old alumni, standing watch over the Cheng Kung University campus every day. When graduation time comes around, there are always lots of students here taking photos, reluctant to leave. In the sunshine, the Banyan Park (成大榕園) exudes strong educational institution charm, and has a most exotic atmosphere.

The Former Tainan Meteorological Station(原台南測候所) has an important position in the hearts of Tainan locals. It is located on what was the highest point in the center of the city, on a hill at 14 meters elevation. Due to its appearance, it was nicknamed “pepper pot” by locals; as it also has an unusual 18 radii roof, it was also called “18 angle building” It is located in front of the Southern Region Weather Center of the Central Weather Bureau and stands out in between two modern buildings.

시라야족 요소를 더한 건축 설계
광활한 면적에 끝없는 농촌으로 둘러싸인 관톈 관광 센터는 근처에 국도 3호 우산터우 IC(烏山頭交流道)가 있어 교통이 편리하다.
시선을 사로잡는 건물 외관은 시라야족의 문화를 결합한 것으로 시라야족 마을 건축을 콘셉으로 설계했다. 타이난(台南)의 '햇빛'과 자난 평원(嘉南平原)의 '바람', 시라야족 신앙 아리쭈(阿立祖)의 '물'을 3대 원소로 설계했으며, 시라야족 전통 의상의 색깔을 건물의 메인 톤으로 정하고 흰색 바탕에 파란색과 노란색으로 포인트를 줬다. 시라야족 마을의 전통을 따라 물을 마주 보는 방식으로 설계했으며, 멀리서 바라봤을 때 산과 논으로 둘러싸인 것처럼 보여 고요한 정취를 느낄 수 있다.
사진 명소 & 다양한 실내 시설

연담은 타이난시 바이허구(白河區) 북단에 있으며 바이허 연꽃의 원산지입니다. 북쪽으로는 팔장강(北臨八掌溪), 자이현(嘉義縣) 수상 마을과 서로 마주 보고 있으며 면적은 3.62 km2 입니다. 바이허 지역에서 연꽃으로 가장 먼저 유명해진 곳은 연담과 광안(廣安) 일대였습니다. 이중 연꽃 생산 규모가 제일 큰 곳은 연담입니다. 특히 49총(四十九欉) 동북과 연담 톈양 (田洋)에서는 수많은 연꽃이 어우러져 기이한 장관을 연출합니다. 한적한 언덕으로 이루어진 평원과 수많은 늪지, 못, 점성이 강한 토양을 보면, 이곳은 연꽃이 자라기에 최적의 장소입니다. ‘늪지에서 피어난 연꽃’이 이루는 장관 덕분에 ‘연담(蓮潭)’이라는 이름이 붙었습니다. 이곳은 연담 지역 사회 마을 중 하나입니다. 이러한 지명 덕분에 예로부터 ‘연꽃의 고향(蓮鄉)’이라고 불렸습니다. 이후 행정 구역을 개편하면서 ‘연담’은 마을 이름에서 리(里)의 이름이 되었습니다. 바이허구에서 유일하게 ‘연꽃’ 생산과 관련된 지명입니다. 연담 지역사회는 전형적인 향촌 지역사회입니다. 푸른 평원 사이에는 작은 언덕이 여러 개 있습니다. 마을 주민들은 이곳에 대대로 정착하며 농업에 종사해 왔습니다.