Huxingshan Park(虎形山公園)

Huxingshan Park(虎形山公園) is located on Mt. Huxing (huxing=tiger shape), the mountain given such an imposing name because its shape resembles a fierce tiger. At an elevation of 113 meters, the park doesn’t attract many tourists and can be said to be the “secret base” of the “mountains behind Tainan.” Offering water and mountain scenery, it is located in scarcely-populated Longqi District. The park environment is well-preserved, and it is ecologically rich, with wild animals regularly making an appearance.
Tourists often do a circle of the park on the Circle Trail, passing over beautiful Wanglong Suspension Bridge(望龍吊橋) and breathing in invigorating phytoncides in the forest. Families also often camp out and have a barbecue in the tranquil and scenic park, like they are enjoying their own exclusive camping ground. Summer evenings are the most popular time, many families coming to view the glowing fireflies in a safe environment. At this time, the park is a secret ecological classroom amongst the “mountains behind Tainan.”


Free entry, open all year round
719, , Longqi Dist., 臺南市 Taiwan R.O.C
POINT (120.36003 22.96468)