Jiangjun River Bikeway(將軍溪自行車道)

Beautiful Sceneries Along Jiangjun River
The bicycle path starts from Huazong Bridge and runs for about 4 kilometers, extending along the shore of the Jiangjun River. From Provincial Highway No.17 in a westward direction, riders pass through the mangrove forest in Guangshan Borough, where one can appreciate and experience the mangrove forest and the ecology at the mouth of the Jiangjun River. While enjoying the ride, you can also observe the geography of birds and wetlands up close, which is like a natural eco-classroom. Further west, you can reach the Western Coast Expressway. There are steps under the bridge to go up to the top of the bridge, so that you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the open Jiangjun River without any obstacles. Finally, you can reach the end point of the bikeway at the fishing port of Mashagou, and dwell in the quiet tranquility of a fishing village. It is a suitable place for parents and children to enjoy sports and leisure during holidays.
Bask Under the Sun and Ride with the Wind
The scenery along the bikeway of Jiangjun River is spectacular. You can ride along the embankment trail and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea and the sky. Especially when the sun sets, the sky and the stream are dyed orange and red, and the view is added with a layer of orange veil. You can enjoy this warm glaze while riding on your bike and enjoying a gentle breeze. Along the road, there are also art installations in the shape of black-faced spoonbills, which you can appreciate while riding your bike and taking pictures.
If you want to take a break, you can stop at the colorful story wall to catch your breath and read about the influence of the Jiangjun River on the people of Tainan as well as the various historical events that happened on the river.

The bikeway of Jiangjun River is smooth and wide, and the scenery along the way is marvelous, making it perfect for families to spend a leisurely afternoon together. You can take advantage of the dusk to escape from the glaring sun.

726, Huazong Bridge, Xuejia Dist., 臺南市 Taiwan R.O.C
POINT (120.1753238 23.2276376)