
심해 탐사 테마 공원인 강빈 역사 테마 놀이터(港濱歷史特色遊戲場)에는 5~12세 어린이를 대상으로 한 연령대별 놀이시설, 어르신들도 편하게 걸을 수 있는 산책로, 차광막 등이 갖춰져 있으며, 4대 테마존인 고래 언덕, 급류 해구, 산호초 숲, 녹조 동굴에는 각각 미끄럼틀, 그네, 트램펄린, 더블 집라인 등의 놀이기구가 설치되어 있습니다. 특히 여름철에는 미스트존에서 정기적으로 물안개를 살포하여 아이들이 신나게 해양 탐험을 즐길 수 있도록 하고 있습니다.



The Historic Harborside Park Playground is a seaside adventure park designed to spark the imagination with its deep-sea exploration theme. It offers play areas for children aged 5 to 12, walking paths for the elderly, and shaded spots for relaxation. The playground is divided into four exciting zones: the Great Whale Mound, the Rapids Trench, the Coral Reef Cluster, and the Green Algae Cave. Each area features fun equipment like slides, swings, trampolines, and dual zip lines. During the summer, a misting zone sprays cool water at set times, giving kids an extra layer of oceanic fun.








"The stretch that runs between the “prime canal area” at Huanhe Street and harbor of An-Yi Bridge is the prime spot for cityscape viewing along the canal. Anping Canal Tours has launched its canal tour services in which passengers will be delighted by the fish that occasionally leap out of the waters to greet them. Numerous skyscrapers and towers run along both banks of the canal. Fans of the motion picture Zone Pro Site will recognize the beautiful Jinhua Bridge and the Tree of Romance that appeared in the movie as they move down the canal.

Located in Danei District in Tainan City, Nan Pao Golf Country Club(南寶高爾夫俱樂部) was established with investment from Nan Pao Resins Group. The course has 27 holes divided into A, B, and C areas. The holes mainly have a south-north direction to avoid players having the sun shine directly into their eyes when they make a shot. With a river flowing around the course and original forest on the periphery, the scenery is pleasant.

Bombax Golf Country Club (斑芝花高爾夫俱樂部)started at Dongshan in Tainan in 1989. The almost-perfect 27-hole course, designed by renowned international golf course architect Pete Dye(佩特‧戴伊), is highly challenging and humane. It is the only course designed by Dye in Taiwan. Opened in 1993, this is one of the only all-round golf resorts in southern Taiwan and, as well as 27 holes, has various recreational facilities and accommodation of a high standard. The holes are divided into the Green Mountain, Green Water and Golden areas, each with nine holes.

At 844 meters above sea level, Shantou Mountain(崁頭山) is Tainan's second highest peak, and its hiking trail is a favorite among mountain climbers. There are total of three entrances to the route, and whichever route you start from you can complete the circular hike. The trail markings are very clear, and along the way you can see the renowned stone toad and the pagoda furnace. The stone toad is so named because the mountain wall resembles a toad from the outside, and the pagoda furnace is a honeycomb shaped rock shaped like a pagoda.