









Anping Canal Tours(台南運河遊船)

"The stretch that runs between the “prime canal area” at Huanhe Street and harbor of An-Yi Bridge is the prime spot for cityscape viewing along the canal. Anping Canal Tours has launched its canal tour services in which passengers will be delighted by the fish that occasionally leap out of the waters to greet them. Numerous skyscrapers and towers run along both banks of the canal. Fans of the motion picture Zone Pro Site will recognize the beautiful Jinhua Bridge and the Tree of Romance that appeared in the movie as they move down the canal.

Nan Pao Golf Country Club(南寶高爾夫俱樂部)

Located in Danei District in Tainan City, Nan Pao Golf Country Club(南寶高爾夫俱樂部) was established with investment from Nan Pao Resins Group. The course has 27 holes divided into A, B, and C areas. The holes mainly have a south-north direction to avoid players having the sun shine directly into their eyes when they make a shot. With a river flowing around the course and original forest on the periphery, the scenery is pleasant.

Bombax Golf Country Club(斑芝花高爾夫俱樂部)

Bombax Golf Country Club (斑芝花高爾夫俱樂部)started at Dongshan in Tainan in 1989. The almost-perfect 27-hole course, designed by renowned international golf course architect Pete Dye(佩特‧戴伊), is highly challenging and humane. It is the only course designed by Dye in Taiwan. Opened in 1993, this is one of the only all-round golf resorts in southern Taiwan and, as well as 27 holes, has various recreational facilities and accommodation of a high standard. The holes are divided into the Green Mountain, Green Water and Golden areas, each with nine holes.

Shantou Mountain Trail(崁頭山步道)

At 844 meters above sea level, Shantou Mountain(崁頭山) is Tainan's second highest peak, and its hiking trail is a favorite among mountain climbers. There are total of three entrances to the route, and whichever route you start from you can complete the circular hike. The trail markings are very clear, and along the way you can see the renowned stone toad and the pagoda furnace. The stone toad is so named because the mountain wall resembles a toad from the outside, and the pagoda furnace is a honeycomb shaped rock shaped like a pagoda.

Baihe Reservoir(白河水庫)

Baihe reservoir (白河水庫), built in 1965, sits like an emerald at the base of Guanziling Mountain (關子嶺山) in a beautiful mountain lake setting. Inside the park, the forest provides dense shade, and the water's surface ripples bluish green. Strolling in the area's fresh air, tourists will feel the coolness of the lake on the breeze, and the gentle hill at the shore gives a wide field of view. In the early morning, egrets and other water birds can be spotted foraging at the water's edge, returning to the trees at dusk to roost.

Guanziling Mountain Trail System (關子嶺登山步道系統)

Main routes of the Guanziling Mountain Trail System are the Datong, Jiulong, Jilong, Fulong and Pillow Mountain Routes(大凍山線、九龍山線、雞籠山線、福龍山線以及枕頭山線). Datong Mountain, at 1241 above sea level, is the highest peak in Tainan, and one of Taiwan's small hundred peaks. Jiulong Mountain Route has a number of almost 90 degree inclines that hikers will need a rope to climb; a great experience for thrill seeking mountain climbers. Jilong Mountain Route is on the northwest side of Datong's main peak. It has a conical isolated peak resembling a chicken cage which give the peak its name, Jilong.

Guanziling Dadong Mountain Trail(關子嶺大凍山步道)

At 1,241 meters above sea level, Dadong Mountain(大凍山) is Tainan's highest peak, and is one of Taiwan's top hundred small peaks. The climb usually starts from Ziyun Hall at Xianzu Temple(紫雲殿仙祖廟), and the trail takes around 3 to 5 hours in total. It is a great training ground for mountaineers, and is a favorite among the hikers of Tainan. The trail lies among a dense low-altitude broad-leaved forest landscape, at times entirely surrounded by either trees or bamboo.
