SBL Bio Tourism Factory(新百祿燕窩觀光工廠)

Inside the SBL Bio Tourism Factory (新百祿燕窩觀光工廠) enthusiastic tour guides will take you on an explanatory tour. Adorable animations are used to explain the ecology and nesting process of the swallow. Because swallows' nests are not easy to obtain, imitation nests in the factory allow swallows to come and build nests in the swallow room, and watching the workers in Southeast Asia gathering swallow nests also makes for interesting viewing. The DIY nest challenge is a test of patience, A half-finished swallow's nest is provided, simulating the swallows stuffing the gaps in their nests with feathers and fur. and tourists use tweezers to carefully remove the fur and feathers. Apparently, an experienced worker can't even remove a few hundred grams in a day; this task will test your attentiveness and concentration.

Free entry 9:00~17:00
Closed on Monday, open on National holidays
702, , South Dist., 臺南市 Taiwan R.O.C
POINT (120.17664 22.9675)