
설립 초창기부터 힐링을 중요시한 야원 테라피 가든(雅聞湖濱療癒森林)에서는 간단하게 몸과 마음을 치유하는 방법을 배우실 수 있습니다. 가든 안에 들어서면 입구 양옆에 놓인 솔방울 장식이 눈, 귀, 코, 혀, 몸의 오감을 자극해 우주의 지혜를 느낄 수 있으며, 화려한 색채, 듣기 좋은 대자연의 소리, 싱그러운 초목과 꽃향기, 맛있고 건강한 요리를 즐기고 몸과 마음을 자유롭게 이완시킬 수 있습니다. 그리고 완벽한 대칭을 이루고 있는 프랑스풍 샹젤리제 거리와 장미와 바닐라가 조화롭게 어우러진 영국식 정원, 아마존 같은 열대우림존과 흥미로운 이야기가 담겨 있는 클래식한 장미 정원을 거닐며 일본 전통 공예가가 만든 미장 예술 작품을 감상할 수도 있습니다. 약 15,000평의 부지에 다양한 체험을 즐길 수 있는 각종 테마존을 갖춘 야원 테라피 가든에서 받은 감동을 이어가고 싶으시다면 과학기술과 인문학적인 요소가 결합된 실내 테마관으로 이동해 멀티미디어 인터랙티브 수업과 친절한 전문 해설사의 설명을 들어보는 것도 좋습니다. 야원 테라피 가든에서 젊음의 활력을 얻고 잠시나마 스트레스와 고민을 떨쳐버린 채 몸과 마음을 치유하는 시간을 가져보시길 바랍니다.


Welcome to the Arwin Therapy Garden, where we invite you to embark on a journey of healing for the mind, body, and soul. Upon entering the garden, you'll be greeted by large pinecone installations that guide you to awaken your five senses—sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch—to fully experience the wisdom of the universe. Within the garden, you'll be surrounded by vibrant colors, the soothing melodies of nature, the fresh scent of plants and flowers, chakra-inspired cuisine, and the freedom of physical movement.


"Furniture is not only a necessity in the daily lives of everyone but can also be the marriage between art and techniques. For the longest time, MEIYA Furniture has been devoting exquisite attention and commitment to the creation of every piece of furniture in the singular hope of delivering better quality of life and experience for consumers.

"In 2002, Beautiful Baby established its foothold in Jiali District of Tainan and began its journey to becoming a pastry and bakery franchise.  With 2nd-generation members joining its management, the company has benefitted from new thinking and approach in its operations. Proprietors of both generations worked together and created the Beautiful Baby brand name and specialized in the production of artistic cakes, Chinese-style wedding cakes/pastries and souvenirs to pave a new path for the cake factory.

The Japanese word for "owl" is "hukurou", which means peace and happiness. In Taiwan, the Shao Tribe believe the owl is a symbol of luck. At EyeFunVision(華美光學eye玩視界) you can see many types of owl, leading tourists on an incredible visual journey. Taiwan's first spectacle themed sightseeing factory, EyeFunVision hosts a diverse range of exhibitions. Besides the general knowledge introduction, there are also interactive optical experiences and shooting games. The snack area's owl shaped coffee ice cream is a firm favorite among the factory's many tourists.

Biotanico Green Building Tourism Factory (港香蘭綠色健康知識館) is located in Tainan City Science Park (台南市南科園區); and within the silver grade “green buildings” are generations of development of Chinese medicine and treatment, and which have been presented with a modern-feel spatial planning aesthetic so as to give a feeling of merging the old and the new in a stylish way. Within the Biotanico Green Building’s Tourism Factory, as well as introducing the historical development of the Biotanico Company (港香蘭公司), is information which guides tourists on the development of Chinese medicine.

Shanhua Brewery (善化啤酒廠) is the southern production base of the Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation (台灣菸酒公司). The factory diversified in 2005, becoming Taiwan's first beer-themed tourism factory. As well as viewing the Beer Culture Museum, there is also a catering service, as well as other products manufactured by the Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation such as the alcohol face-mask. The freshest Taiwan Beer is on tap at all times, including a mango beer exclusive to the factory!