
HMTM Hermin Textile Cultural Museum(HMTM 和明織品文化館)

The main hall of the HMTM Hermin Textile Cultural Museum (和明紡織文化館) has a high wall of colored thread at one end, which puts tourists in high spirits with its rich array of bright colors, and provides a very popular photo opportunity. The hall's product display area is comparable to a department store, and contains a collection of Hermin's own textiles in an array of colors and textures. In the factory's history area, tourists can see the quality awards won by Hermin for supplying various international brands.

Longtian DistilleryCordyceps militaris Cultural Park(隆田酒廠北蟲草文化展示園區)

Originally mainly a maker of distiller’s yeast, in recent years Longtian Distillery(隆田酒廠) has changed its focus to sorghum liquor(高粱酒). In 2012, it combined its existing medicinal wine park and the Cordyceps militaris(北蟲草) theme to create the Cordyceps militaris Cultural Park(北蟲草文化展示園區), the only tourism factory to combine biotechnology and liquor-making in Taiwan. With a medicinal wine theme, the tourism factory gives tourists a multi-sensory experience as well as showing them the diversity of wine and spirits culture.

The Wonderful Tenergy Place(天一中藥生活化園區)

At The Wonderful Tenergy Place(天一中藥生活化園區) you will be amazed to see people dressed in Qing Dynasty clothing earnestly weighing ingredients with old fashioned scales. It seems like you have wandered into a drug store from ancient times; this is not Taiwan Studio City, it is daily life in The Wonderful Tenergy Place. The setting of a traditional drug store combined with a free dress-up experience in Qing court attires allows tourists to experience the time-honored culture of traditional Chinese medicine.

Home Tech Hydrogel Tourism Factory(虹泰水凝膠世界)

Tourists who enter the Home Tech Hydrogel Tourism Factory (虹泰水凝膠世界) will certainly be captivated by the colorful hydrogel action figures. Hydrogel is used extensively in medical equipment, health equipment and beauty treatments. The guided tour of the factory shares proper medical healthcare knowledge and teaches tourists about the uses of hydrogel. The outdoor hydrogel action figure garden has a range of cute action figures in the shape of zodiac signs that are adored by adults and children alike.

Chimei Happiness Factory(奇美食品幸福工廠)

At Chimei Happiness Factory (奇美食品幸福工廠), located in front of Tainan Airport, as well as touring the food manufacturing process, the scenery of old street’s shops is a favorite snapshot location for parents and children to take pictures. The exquisite DIY baking experience allows children how to make delicious desserts like little professional chefs, and the delightful shopping area and restaurant allow guests to gorge themselves and choose from an extensive collection of souvenirs.

The Furniture Manufacturing Eco Museum in Tainan(臺南家具產業博物館)

The Furniture Manufacturing Eco Museum in Tainan has displays on the history and evolution of Taiwan’s furniture industry and has a large number of pieces of classic wooden furniture domestically and internationally in its collection. An “edutainment” method is used to teach visitors about the history of furniture making and the furniture industry’s development.

Ecomuseum of Sweet Potato Story House(瓜瓜園地瓜生態故事館)

"Don't worry about leaving sweet potatoes to rot, the wind and the sun will make the roots spread more" On the path that leads to the Ecomuseum of Sweet Potato Story House (瓜瓜園地瓜生態故事館) you can see a whole row of sweet potato-related Taiwanese idioms; the shape of the sweet potato very much resembles the island of Taiwan. It is often said that Hsinhua (新化) has three treasures: bamboo shoots, pineapples and sweet potatoes. The view of the factory's entire sweet potato pile from the high point of the tourist trail is impressive.

Taiwan Metal Creation Museum(臺灣金屬創意館)

Products of the Taiwan Metal Creation Museum (臺灣金屬創意館) are a common sight in Tainan's scenic spots, such as the Sword Lion Transformer at the edge of Tainan Baseball Stadium (台南棒球場) and the metal cows in the Liuying Holland Village (柳營荷蘭村). These creations turn ice cold metals into installation art, and allow everyone to see the creative potential of metals. Ornaments and furniture made of metal are scattered inside and outside the factory, displaying a surprising amount of variation for such a solid material as steel.

Cultural Hall for Chinese Herbs Industry(立康中草藥產業文化館)

Within the Cultural Hall for the Chinese Herbs Industry (立康中草藥產業文化館) the development course of herbal medicine in Taiwan across hundreds of years is presented, with medical curios and hundreds of original medical ingredients on display. Whilst taking a look around, professional tour guides can help bring to life the exhibits with simple explanations of Chinese herbal medicine and the ways in which they were and are used in the lives of average Taiwanese citizens.

“Eyes of the Feet” Foot Science Experience Center (Good Arch Ltd)(『腳の眼鏡』足部科學體驗中心(紅崴科技股份有限公司) )

“Eyes of the Feet” Foot Science Experience Center(『腳の眼鏡』足部科學體驗中心)is, as the name suggests, a foot health themed tourism factory. Upon entering the factory lobby, everyone’s gaze is attracted by the colored glass 1,000 hand Guanyin statue(千手觀音). Made by master glass artist Yang Shui-shan, it is very precious, there being just four of these statues in the world. The second floor has displays that explain the origins and development of the tourism factory. Tourists will be stunned by the 3D floating projection guide diamond platform.
