Tainan Fire Department Disaster Prevention Education Hall (臺南市政府消防局防災教育館)

Tainan Fire Department Disaster Prevention Education Hall is a great place to visit for children. In fact, it is often the chosen location for many school field trips. Despite its serious sounding name, the hall features a collection of antique fire safety facilities along with a number of equipment and apparatus that allow visitors to play as they learn. The goal is to help visitors understand and appreciate the steps and importance of fire hazard prevention in the easiest and simplest way. 

Setting foot into the hall, visitors will be greeted by an adorable fire engine that features a screen to provide an interactive simulation for young visitors to drive a fire engine to the scene of a fire. The experience not only enables children to role play as firefighters but also help them to appreciate the hard work and dangers that firefighters are exposed to. Featured on premise are other facilities including a Thick Smoke Room and Earthquake Experience House in which visitors can learn how to respond in case of an emergency. The display of various disaster response videos, coupled with the presentation of model houses and fire trucks help to leave a deeper impression for the visitors while grabbing the attention of children so that they can focus more on the learning. At the end of their visit, children will also receive a small gift and it is no wonder that the hall has become a favorite destination for schools and families.

708, , Anping Dist., 臺南市 Taiwan R.O.C
POINT (120.1665 22.99195)