Vaneheim Love Manor(雙春濱海遊憩區(愛莊園))

Vanaheim Love Manor is located between the Pa Chang(八掌溪) and Jishui rivers(急水溪), and is the northernmost part of Tainan's seashore. Approximately 5 minutes from Nankunshen Datian Temple(南鯤鯓代天府), the site has a natural landscape and a rich ecology.
The charm of this place is its forest scenery, reminiscent of Little Wangyou Forest(小忘憂森林) in Nantou County. The white horsetail trees reflected on the water's surface always attract lots of people to come and shoot romantic wedding photographs. Walking along the wooden pathway you will be amazed by the scenery - it's like entering the forest in Alice in Wonderland - mudskippers and fiddler crabs greet you from the water's edge next to the walkway. If you walk to the beach, you will find fine sand stretching along the coastline, people and animals playing in the water. If you don't want to go home, you might as well camp out for a night under the stars in the white tents.


9:00~19:00, Weekday tickets NT$100, weekends NT$150
727, , Beimen Dist., 臺南市 Taiwan R.O.C
POINT (120.11259 23.30542)