Jiali Dist.

"In 2002, Beautiful Baby established its foothold in Jiali District of Tainan and began its journey to becoming a pastry and bakery franchise.  With 2nd-generation members joining its management, the company has benefitted from new thinking and approach in its operations. Proprietors of both generations worked together and created the Beautiful Baby brand name and specialized in the production of artistic cakes, Chinese-style wedding cakes/pastries and souvenirs to pave a new path for the cake factory.

Beitou (北頭)means "witch" in the language of the Pingpu Tribe, and Yang means grassland that can sustain livestock. This place has a legend, in which a Pingpu man called Feifan can run faster than a horse, and even won a race against a horse in the presence of the Qianlong Emperor. The Emperor's heart was so filled with joy that Feifan and his son were honored to see the emperor three times. Nowadays, lots of informational exhibitions on the Siraya Pingpu are held in the park, and there are traditional huts, old photographs and Feifan sculptures.

When the Lin Shuang-wen Rebellion(林爽文事件) broke out during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor, the people of Xiaolongshe (蕭壠社)helped suppress the rebellion, after which the Qing court showed gratitude by presenting a plaque that changed the settlement name to Jinyili(旌義里); the original Dai Tian Fu Temple(代天府) was also re-named Jintang Temple(金唐殿). When the temple was rebuilt in the reign of the Jiaqing Emperor, the father of Taiwan koji pottery, Ye Wang, was commissioned to decorate it.

Soulangh Sugar Refinery (蕭壠糖廠), also known as Jiali Sugar Refinery (佳里糖廠), was established in 1905 and started to produce sugar in 1908. It was the first new sugar refinery established by Meiji Sugar Co Ltd. (明治製糖株式會社) during the Japanese Colonial Period. In 1998, it closed due to the decline of the sugar industry, and Soulangh Cultural Park (蕭壠文化園區) was established in 2003 as a way to re-use the empty space as a center of art and culture. Soulangh Cultural Park really is a leisure paradise for locals, and the tourism spot created from an old sugar factory is full of Tainan flavor.