
The Fort was built in the 20th year of the reign of the Daoguang Emperor in the Qing Dynasty to defend against the British during the Opium War in 1840. It is comprised of the main body and a protective rock embankment that is long and narrow and extends south to north. The main body of the fort stands next to today’s Shuichi Park (水池公園) and is made from granite; the northern embankment is made from coral rock and cement, with firing holes and a gate to keep water out.

San Shan Guo Wang(Kings of three mountains;三山國王) belief is a folk belief that originated in Guangdong, China. Built in 1742, the temple is the only purely Cantonese style building in Taiwan. It enshrines the gods of the three mountains (respectively, the kings of Mt. Jin, Mt. Ming and Mt. Du; 巾山國王、明山國王、獨山國王). Apart from enshrining the gods of the three mountains, Han Wen Gong and Tian Shang Sheng Mu (韓文公與天上聖母) are also enshrined. On arriving at the entrance, it can be seen that the temple is different to most temples, without the bright colors and the walls painted in very low-key tones.

An old stone archway can be seen in Tainan Park. Built in 1815, on it the characters Zhong Dao Chong Wen(重道崇文)(Respecting Principle and Venerating Literature) are carved; they praise wealthy Tainan local Lin Zhao-ying for generously providing the funds for the building of Tainan Confucius Temple.

Down an alley on Zigiang Street, there is a historic site, Wugui Well(烏鬼井)(Black Ghost Well). It is said that the well has always provided an abundant support of water. Dug in 1653, it still has water to this day. In early times, it was a water source for both passing ships and local residents. It is said that the well was dug by black slaves brought to Tainan by the Dutch East India Company in the 1600s. As people in Taiwan had never seen dark-skinned people before they were called wu gui (“black ghosts,”) and this was also the name given the well.

The Shueijiaoshe Cultural Park was opened at the end of 2019, with the aim of preserving the culture of military dependents’ villages. The buildings are elevated with concrete countertops, and the walls are inlaid with wooden lattice windows and doors. Drainage pipes run on the brick eaves and then fall down steeply to ditches, which surround the buildings, with long reed gardens swaying in tandem with the breeze. Another highlight of the park is the verdant green pond set off against beautiful lotus flowers, and the old trees intertwined with walls.

The Old Taiwan Magistrate Residence (原臺南縣知事官邸), constructed in 1900, is known to Tainan residents as "The Clock Tower" owing to the clock pattern in relief on the gable of the original roof (山牆圖騰狀). As well as being the official residence of the county magistrate, it was also used as an imperial residence when the Japanese royal family came to visit, making it the only building designed for royal residence in southern Taiwan.

Built from 1898 through to 1906, this site was formerly the residence of the Mayor of Tainan (台南廳長) during the Japanese Colonial Period. Later, it became a dormitory used by the head of the Department of the Interior. After World War II, it became the official residence of key government officials, and plain clothes police officers and guards used to stand watching over the place.

In the lane opposite the gas station at the intersection of Dongmen Road and Changrong Road(東門路長榮路口), several old Japanese style buildings can be seen. They are the Former Tainan Prefectural Agricultural Research Center Dormitories. In the Japanese Colonial Period, this area was where agriculture related government departments did research and experiments. The facilities included offices, agricultural laboratories, pathological insect research rooms and net houses. After renovation, the old buildings are now privately-operated arts exhibition spaces and unique small restaurants.

Former Tainan Prefectural Agricultural Research Center Dormitories (原臺南州立農事試驗場宿舍群) were built in about 1923. They have become a popular attraction in Tainan’s East District, called Kuruya. The Japanese atmosphere is much-loved. At Kuruya, visitors can wear a Japanese bath robe, experience the Japanese tea ceremony and enjoy some light foods and beverages; family activities are also held at weekends. It has become a place where Internet celebrities gather.

Completed in 1933 as the administrative center of Tainan Technical College, the National Cheng Kung University Museum is now an on-campus museum; the first of its kind in Taiwan and an important landmark on University Road. The museum has an incredibly diverse collection of over 2,600 items, from pottery and stone implements to wooden articles and embroidery. Exhibitions with a different theme are held through the year, giving additional artistic flavor to a campus that already has a rich atmosphere of cultural education.