Taiwanfu Cheng Huang (City God) Temple(臺灣府城隍廟)

The Taiwanfu Cheng Huang (City God) Temple (臺灣府城隍廟) is a Taoist temple dedicated to Cheng Huang (City God), and is located on Qingnian Road (青年路) in West Central district (中西區). It is a nationally designated historical site as well as a famous example of a Taiwanese Cheng Huang (City God) Temple. In 1669, the temple was built in the Dong An Fang (東安坊) e area. This is Taiwan’s oldest Cheng Huang (City God) Temple, and in the main hall of the temple is a large abacus, which was offered as a gift by believer Chen Jiangshan (陳江山) in 1937. Inscribed at the top of the abacus frame are the six characters(臺灣府城隍廟) which translate as “Taiwan Cheng Huang (City God)” Temple”, and at the bottom of the frame are the characters丁丑年陳江山奉獻, which translate as “donated in 1937 by Chen Jiangshan”. On the left and right are inscriptions which encourage people to be responsible for their actions since the gods are fair, and which symbolize the idea that Cheng Huang Ye (City God) uses the abacus to calculate people’s good and bad deeds. Inside the temple is another of the “famous three” plaques, this one being inscribed with the characters 爾來了 meaning “your turn finally” and which symbolizes the majestic authority of Cheng Huang Ye (City God).

Free entry
Monday to Sunday 7:00~21:00
700, , West Central Dist., 臺南市 Taiwan R.O.C
POINT (120.20914 22.99198)