
Taiwan Fucheng City Wall South Gate Section remains(臺灣府城城垣南門段殘蹟) are located on Shulin Street in Tainan City, the outer edge facing Shulin Street (樹林街)and the rear connecting to National Tainan Girl’s Senior High School, serving as part of the perimeter wall. The remains were restored according to an ancient method and look basically how they did originally. The internal structure of the wall has been deliberately left exposed in one section to allow observation. The wall runs east to west. The school part is eighty meters long and four meters high and is thebest-preserved section.

Built in 1750, the temple is a land god temple of great importance on Puji Street (普濟街) as well as being the only land god temple(土地公廟) in Tainan that is listed as a historic site. This was once the site of the Fotou Harbor(佛頭港) of the Five Channels(五條港), with many boats sailing to and from and the temple attracting a large number of worshippers. The temple has a plaque, on which “Wan Wu Zi Sheng” is carved. Today, Futou Harbor is long gone, but Jingfu Temple(景福祠) remains to remind people of the area’s prosperous past.

Wanfu Temple was originally the residence of Ruan Jun, a general under Koxinga, built during the Yongli Reign of Ming Dynasty (1646~1683). It is a city-designated historic site. During the Yongli Reign of Ming Dynasty (1656), Ruan died while stationed on Zhoushan. Three years later his wife traveled to Taiwan with Zheng Jing along with Ming dynasty descendants and settled behind the palace of King Ning Jing on this spot where she chanted scripture, abstained from eating meat and worshipped Buddha the rest of her life.

Built in 1739, the God of Wind (Feng Shen) Temple (風神廟) is the only temple in Taiwan dedicated to the God of Wind, and is one of Tainan’s famous shrines and temples. The main god of worship is the God of Wind, but on the left and right hand sides the God of Wind is flanked by the green God of Water (水神) and red God of Fire (火神). Further to the left side is Lei Gong (雷公), the God of Thunder, and to the right side is Dian Mu, the Goddess of Lightning (電母).

Chen De-Jiu Family Hall(陳德聚堂) was built in 1644. It is now the largest Chen family ancestral hall in Taiwan and currently houses the Tainan Guide Association.

Dehua Hall (德化堂) was built around 1838. After road building in the Japanese Colonial Time and aerial attack in World War II, its scale today has been significantly reduced compared to how it was originally. Dehua Hall is a Zhaijiao Longhua School Temple(齋教龍華派寺廟) which is home Buddhist practice in character, therefore, the layout is similar to that of a traditional house, however, it has the paintings and decorations of a Buddhist temple.

Many people will begin to feel hungry when they hear the words Shuixian Temple Market(水仙宮市場). The market gets its name from Shuixian Temple, which enshrines Shui Xian Zun Wang(水仙尊王), which is inside the market. The original temple was built in 1703; this location was once Nanshi Harbor of the Five Channels and had a lot of merchants. The temple was actually built with funds provided by local merchants. The temple is no longer as large and imposing as it was when it was once one of the seven Buddhist temples and eight Taoist shrines of Tainan, in its place is a busy market.

A church with a white dome that is a copy of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London is hidden down an alley on Kuohua Street. This place is of great significance in terms of the history of the meeting of Tainan and Westerners. This was where Dr. James Laidlaw Maxwell(馬雅各醫師) practiced medicine and spread Christianity after arriving in Tainan in 1865. At the time, this was an important street in the Five Channels area. As the street runs west, it was called “Kanshi Street.” The doctor-missionary was forced to leave not long after arriving after encountering resistance from local traditionalists.

과학기술, 예술, 자연으로 재탄생한 룽톈 차차 문화자산교육단지

철로, 계측실 구조, 역사 건축물 타이옌 룽톈 운송역 및 창고군 등 “여객, 제염업, 제당업, 저수지 공사용 4대 철로가 공존했던 시기의” 산업 문화재들이 보존되어 있습니다. 또한, 타이완 최대 규모 수리공정 “가남대수(嘉南大圳)”을 테마로 한 몰입형 극장, 인터랙티브 장치, 공공 설치예술 및 전문적인 타이난 고고학 센터를 갖추고 첨단 기술로 백 년 전의 지혜가 결집된 대형 공사들을 새롭게 설명합니다. 교육단지의 이름 “차차(Chacha)”에는 시민들이 다시 찾아 주기를 바라는(Come Here Again) 의미를 담고 있습니다.  


북 창고, 남 창고, 고고학존의 3대 전시구역으로 구성


북 창고 전시구역

‘반궁 돌패방’ 은 원래 공자묘 제일 바깥쪽에 있는 출입구였습니다. 건륭제 시절 지부 장원추는 공자묘를 복원하면서 해당 출입구를 재정비하고자 석공에게 아름다운 돌패방을 주문했고, 그때 이 아름다운 돌패방은 타이난에 세워졌습니다. 타이완에서 이런 돌패방을 만나볼 수 있는 공자묘는 타이난 공자묘밖에 없습니다. 일제 강점기 시절 난먼로(南門路) 개통을 위해 돌패방과 공자묘는 분리됐습니다. 돌패방의 원래 기능은 사람들 기억 속에서 점점 희미해져 갔고 이제는 돌패방이 공자묘의 부속 건물인지조차 모르는 사람들도 많습니다.