
Inside the SBL Bio Tourism Factory (新百祿燕窩觀光工廠) enthusiastic tour guides will take you on an explanatory tour. Adorable animations are used to explain the ecology and nesting process of the swallow. Because swallows' nests are not easy to obtain, imitation nests in the factory allow swallows to come and build nests in the swallow room, and watching the workers in Southeast Asia gathering swallow nests also makes for interesting viewing.

Black Bridge Sausage (黑橋牌香腸) got its name from its origins at Black Bridge next to Fuqian Road. The outside of the tourism factory looks like a boutique store, and the large bowl in the doorway mimics the dice game at the former Miaokou sausage stand, allowing tourists to have fun as soon as they walk in the door. Those visiting the sausage museum should start from the 3rd floor and slowly make their way downward. The museum features a lot of nostalgic scenes, like the glove puppet shack that was a common sight at Miaokou, and street scenes from Tainan many decades ago.

The Golden Coast (黃金海岸) is Tainan’s southernmost section of coastline. Approximately 5 km of sandy beach runs from Anping’s Yuguang Island (漁光島) to the Golden Coast, and there are always lots of tourists walking, splashing in the waves and flying kites here in the afternoon. The Golden Coast gets its name from the glistening sight of the golden sunset shining on the beach. Sunset is the busiest time, but even after nightfall lots of people still remain, attracted by the beach’s outdoor coffee shops.

The Shueijiaoshe Cultural Park was opened at the end of 2019, with the aim of preserving the culture of military dependents’ villages. The buildings are elevated with concrete countertops, and the walls are inlaid with wooden lattice windows and doors. Drainage pipes run on the brick eaves and then fall down steeply to ditches, which surround the buildings, with long reed gardens swaying in tandem with the breeze. Another highlight of the park is the verdant green pond set off against beautiful lotus flowers, and the old trees intertwined with walls.

The Old Taiwan Magistrate Residence (原臺南縣知事官邸), constructed in 1900, is known to Tainan residents as "The Clock Tower" owing to the clock pattern in relief on the gable of the original roof (山牆圖騰狀). As well as being the official residence of the county magistrate, it was also used as an imperial residence when the Japanese royal family came to visit, making it the only building designed for royal residence in southern Taiwan.

Completed in 1933 as the administrative center of Tainan Technical College, the National Cheng Kung University Museum is now an on-campus museum; the first of its kind in Taiwan and an important landmark on University Road. The museum has an incredibly diverse collection of over 2,600 items, from pottery and stone implements to wooden articles and embroidery. Exhibitions with a different theme are held through the year, giving additional artistic flavor to a campus that already has a rich atmosphere of cultural education.

The National Museum of Taiwan Literature(台灣文學館) is arguably the most important landmark in Tainan city center. It was designed by the Japanese architect Mariyama Matsunosuke(森山松之助), and construction was completed in 1916. At the time, under the Japanese Colonial Time, Tainan Prefectural Government was the highest administrative center in Tainan. During the World War II, it suffered damage from Allied bombing, but was later restored to its original state.

The design and construction of the museum was a joint effort between architect Chao Yung Shih and Pritzker Award winning Shigeru Ban Architects. The main building was constructed as the Tainan Police Department in 1931. Sutejiro Umezawa, the chief engineer of Tainan County at the time, designed the Eclectic building in the Art Déco style and it is now a historic site of Tainan City. The fusion of new and old spaces at Building 1 now hosts the works of local artists in Tainan and those of important artists from other regions.

과학기술, 예술, 자연으로 재탄생한 룽톈 차차 문화자산교육단지

철로, 계측실 구조, 역사 건축물 타이옌 룽톈 운송역 및 창고군 등 “여객, 제염업, 제당업, 저수지 공사용 4대 철로가 공존했던 시기의” 산업 문화재들이 보존되어 있습니다. 또한, 타이완 최대 규모 수리공정 “가남대수(嘉南大圳)”을 테마로 한 몰입형 극장, 인터랙티브 장치, 공공 설치예술 및 전문적인 타이난 고고학 센터를 갖추고 첨단 기술로 백 년 전의 지혜가 결집된 대형 공사들을 새롭게 설명합니다. 교육단지의 이름 “차차(Chacha)”에는 시민들이 다시 찾아 주기를 바라는(Come Here Again) 의미를 담고 있습니다.  


북 창고, 남 창고, 고고학존의 3대 전시구역으로 구성


북 창고 전시구역

시라야족 요소를 더한 건축 설계
광활한 면적에 끝없는 농촌으로 둘러싸인 관톈 관광 센터는 근처에 국도 3호 우산터우 IC(烏山頭交流道)가 있어 교통이 편리하다.
시선을 사로잡는 건물 외관은 시라야족의 문화를 결합한 것으로 시라야족 마을 건축을 콘셉으로 설계했다. 타이난(台南)의 '햇빛'과 자난 평원(嘉南平原)의 '바람', 시라야족 신앙 아리쭈(阿立祖)의 '물'을 3대 원소로 설계했으며, 시라야족 전통 의상의 색깔을 건물의 메인 톤으로 정하고 흰색 바탕에 파란색과 노란색으로 포인트를 줬다. 시라야족 마을의 전통을 따라 물을 마주 보는 방식으로 설계했으며, 멀리서 바라봤을 때 산과 논으로 둘러싸인 것처럼 보여 고요한 정취를 느낄 수 있다.
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